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Birth Control & Pregnancy Lesson Plans

Youth are naturally curious about pregnancy and it is the responsibility of adults to insure they receive medically accurate information on the topic as well as information on the different types of birth control. The lessons below offer opportunities to teach youth about this important topic.

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Current Product Offerings:

Birth Control and Safer Sex Crossword Puzzle

This lesson provides a fun and visually compelling way to start your unit on birth control and pregnancy using teamwork. The crossword game combined with the team effort helps students to share what they know with others. While brainstorming the birth control methods and types of STDs they are aware of, the students will work in groups to complete the crossword puzzle.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson students will:
  1. Describe at least three common methods of birth control.
  2. Describe at least three commons sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Getting Smart About the Pill

Of all of the birth control methods, the pill generates the most questions from teens. Whether they're curious about effectiveness or whether the pill is offered over the counter, this lesson will provide answers to the most common questions and dispels the most common myths about this method.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson students will:
  1. List two myths and two facts about birth control.
Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Journey to the Condom Rack

This high-energy lesson utilizes team competition in order to communicate critical information on the use and effectiveness of condoms. Students will discover answers to some common questions and participate in a classic sequencing game so that students are sure to learn the steps of correct condom use.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson students will:
  1. Describe the difference between latex, polyurethane and animal skin condoms.
  2. List the correct steps of condom use.
Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Should A Guy Have A Say In Whether or Not His Girlfriend Has An Abortion?

This question is of great importance and leads to many teachable moments related to relationships, communication, values, pregnancy prevention and more! This lesson will help guide a debate in a way that allows your students to see different perspectives and give consideration to their own values. While presenting a secondary focus on pregnancy prevention, this lesson is a must for educators of teens.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson students will:
  1. Describe at least one benefit and one challenge of having guys be involved in deciding what to do about an unintended pregnancy.
  2. Express their own opinion about the role of a guy and a girl when dealing with an unintended pregnancy.
Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Where Do You Stand on Abortion and Parental Permission?

A lot of sexuality education courses focus on how to prevent pregnancy. But if a person becomes pregnant, what happens then? This lesson helps students to explore how and why someone who is pregnant chooses to become a parent, arrange an adoption or obtain an abortion.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to analyze at least three factors that influence a person's decision about whether and when to become a parent.

National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.12.INF.3 Analyze factors that influence decisions about whether and when to become a parent.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Let's Get Clear About Hormonal Birth Control

Teens have told us that often the only birth control and safer sex methods they hear about are the Pill, condoms and abstinence. Students are often surprised to learn there are many different hormonal birth control methods. This lesson is designed to be a fun, interactive and engaging way for students to learn about the different hormonal birth control methods, how they work, how effective they are and how to access them.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to
  1. Identify six hormonal birth control methods.
  2. Recall two things that help hormonal birth control methods be most effective.
  3. State the perfect use effectiveness rates of at least three of the six hormonal birth control methods.
  4. Describe how three of the six hormonal birth control methods work and how and where to access them.
National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.12.CC.1 Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of abstinence and other contraceptive methods, including condoms.

PR.12.AI.1 Access medically accurate information about contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception and condoms.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Abortion: An Option

In this lesson, students will learn about abortion as a legal option for people who become pregnant. Students will explore medically accurate information, values and laws related to this topic. They will be engaged in multiple methods of learning, including reading an article as a large group, group discussions, individual work and the use of technology.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to
  1. Analyze how someone’s values may influence their decisions related to pregnancy.
  2. Describe the two different types of abortion.
  3. State the perfect use effectiveness rates of at least three of the six hormonal birth control methods.
  4. Describe abortion laws in their state related to parental consent, waiting period and Medicaid funding.
National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.12.INF.2 Analyze internal and external influences on decisions about pregnancy options.

PR.12.AI.3 Access medically accurate information about pregnancy and pregnancy options.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Birth Control and Safer Sex Superheroes

In this lesson, students will learn about different contraceptive and safer sex methods by engaging in group brainstorming and discussion and creating a comic strip or an artistic drawing of a birth control and/or safer sex superhero.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to
  1. Compare and contrast the different contraceptive and safer sex methods that are currently available for teens.
  2. Illustrate at least two important facts that teens should know about a particular safer sex and/or birth control method by creating an artistic depiction of a birth control and/or safer sex method as a superhero.
National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.12.CC.1 Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of abstinence and other contraceptive methods, including condoms.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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Busting Myths About How Pregnancy Happens

One of the most common questions we get on the forums at is “Could I be pregnant?” This question is usually preceded by a very detailed explanation of some behavior that either has no risk of pregnancy (like oral sex) or is very risky for pregnancy (“He only put it in 95-percent of the way”). Regardless of the circumstances, it is usually clear that the young person asking does not understand how pregnancy happens. This interactive lesson uses role-play to help students better understand how pregnancy happens, so they’ll know what behavior puts them at risk for pregnancy.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to
  1. Describe how a pregnancy occurs, from sexual intercourse through implantation.
  2. Identify three common pregnancy myths.
  3. Analyze three myths about pregnancy and explain why they are incorrect based on their knowledge of how pregnancy occurs.
National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.5.CC.1 Describe the process of human reproduction.

PR.8.CC.1 Define sexual intercourse and its relationship to human reproduction. Describe the process of human reproduction.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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The Adoption Option

How much do your students know about adoption as a pregnancy option? This lesson sends students on a WebQuest in search of information online about how adoption works and supports them in understanding where to access accurate information about it.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to
  1. Identify the three options a pregnant teen has: abortion, adoption and teen parenting.
  2. Identify the law(s) regarding adoption in their state.
  3. Explain why someone might choose adoption and how they may feel after arranging an adoption.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to access trusted resources on adoption.
National Sexuality Education Standards Addressed

PR.12.INF.3 Analyze factors that influence decisions about whether and when to become a parent.

PR.12.AI.3 Access medically accurate information about pregnancy and pregnancy options.

Time needed: 50 minutes

Cost: $1.99

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