Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

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Answer in the News

For media inquiries please contact Alison McKee, M.Ed., Executive Director, at or call 888-239-9686.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

"It's #FreeThePill day, a day of activism to make birth control available without prescription" by Melissa Mahtani. May 9, 2019. Lucinda Holt, Answer's director of communication, addresses how over-the-counter access to hormonal birth control would prevent unintended pregnancies. 

STD & HIV/AIDS Prevention 

"How to Talk to Your Teen About STIs in a Helpful, Not Awkward Way" by Caroline Bologna. November 20, 2019. This article features Answer's teen-written sexual health website,, as a medically accurate, relatable resource for teens.  

Teen Sexuality

"How to Have the Sex Talk with Your Teenage Kid" by Charles Duhigg. Slate. September 20, 2020. This article references, Answer's website created in partnership with Advocates for Youth and YTH, that features videos for 10-to 14-year-olds on puberty, consent and a range of other health topics. 

"The Porn Conversation." Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development. Lucinda Holt, Answer's Director of Communication and Development, offers a tip for adults talking with their children about pornography. 

"7% of U.S. Women Say Their First Sexual Experience Was Involuntary" by Lindsey Tanner. LA Times. September 16, 2019. Answer interim executive director, Dan Rice, M.Ed., and Sex, Etc. contributor, Sarah Emily Baum, address the need for school-based sex education to effectively educate young people about consent and respecting others' boundaries. 

"The pornography talk: not just your dad's Playboy anymore." uh-PARENT-ly. August 22, 2019. In this podcast episode, Answer's interim executive director, Dan Rice, M.Ed., talks about how parents can talk to their kids about misinformation found in pornography and where young people can access medically accurate information about sexuality. 

"When Starting to Talk to Your Kids About Sex, Research Says Younger Is Better" by Kelly Gonsalves. July 30, 2019. Answer's director of communications, Lucinda Holt, addresses the importance of laying an early foundation for parent-child communication about sex by using the correct names for body parts, being willing to answer younger children's questions about where babies come from and teaching them about privacy and respecting other people's boundaries. 

"Meet the Doctors Revolutionizing Healthcare for Trans Teens" by Matt Baume. Them. July 18, 2019. Answer's director of communication addresses how adults can ease young trans people's transition through puberty and improve their overall health outcomes by supporting and affirming their gender identity.

"How Teens Can Get Birth Control Without Their Parents Knowing" by Erika W. Smith. Refinery29. July 15, 2019. Answer's director of communications, Lucinda Holt, addresses how young people can access birth control when they don't have parent or guardian's support and want to be responsible about having sex.

Sex Education

“How Sex Ed Has the Power to Make Social Change,” by Alison Macklin and Dan Rice, M.Ed. Rewire News Group. May 15, 2021. Dan Rice, M.Ed., Answer’ executive director, co-authored an op-ed addressing the power sex education has to empower young people to  not only advocate for their sexual health and respect the boundaries of others, but to also respect all people and work to dismantle systems of oppression such as homophobia and racism.

“Sex ed should start in kindergarten and this is what kids should be learning, study from N.J. college says” by Josh Axelrod. February 22, 2021. Dan Rice, M.Ed., Answer’s executive director, addresses study findings that support starting sex education early and having it build on early basic concepts about health relationships.

"'It's time to catch up': how ideological sex education fails Texas students" by Alexandra Villarreal. The Guardian. October 22, 2020. Dan Rice, M.Ed., Answer's executive director, addresses the importance of educating young people about consent, sexual orientation and gender identity. 

"Five Tips for Teaching Sex Ed Remotely." August 24, 2020. Tracie Q. Gilbert Ph.D., Answer's training and technical assistance manager, and Valerie Sedivy, Ph.D., of Healthy Teen Network, kicked off the school year with five topics for educators teaching sex education remotely.

"Will These Apps Change Sex Education?" by Andrew Hirschfeld. OZY. April 24, 2020. Sex, Etc. teen staff writer Samantha Wilk addresses some of the limitations of relying on apps for sex education.

“AMAZE Breaks Down Abortion in a New Child-Friendly Video—PLUS a Q&A with AMAZE’s Tracie Gilbert” by Fiona Pestana. Ms. March 10, 2020. Answer’s traning and technical assistance manager Tracie Gilbert talks about AMAZE’s “What Is Abortion?” video and why accurate information about all pregnancy options, including abortion, should be covered in sex education.

"Sex Education Needs to Be Less Straight" by Emily Moon. Elemental. December 9, 2019. Sex, Etc. contributor Michael Pincus, 16, addresses what a difference LGBTQ-inclusive sex education would have made for him as a gay teenager.  

"How Do Bi Parents Come Out to Their Kids?" by Lux Alptraum. SELF. November, 2019. Dan Rice, M.Ed., addresses how speaking with kids about sexual orientation can lay the foundation for strong parent-child communication and set parents up as the people their kids turn to when they have questions about sex and sexuality. 

Talking to Your Kids About Puberty and Sex. Go Get Mom Podcast. September 12, 2019. Answer's Lucinda Holt shares resources with parents, like, as well as tips for how to talk to their children about puberty and sexuality. 

"Right-wing media's tantrum over inclusive sex education." Media Matters. July 11, 2019. Answer's director of communications, Lucinda Holt, addresses the importance of sex education that provides all of the age-appropriate information young people need to make healthy choices and form healthy relationships.  

"YouTube Sex Ed Videos Make 'The Talk' More Accessible, But Here's What Experts Want You To Know" by Sanam Yar. Bustle. May 22, 2019. Answer's director of communications, Lucinda Holt, notes that while lifestyle YouTubers' videos may help normalize talking about sex, we cannot guarantee that the content is age-appropriate for young people or medically accurate. 

"Yes, no, maybe: What New Jersey wants kids to know about sex and consent" by Kim Mulford. Cherry Hill Courier-Post. April 24, 2019. Answer's director of training, Dan Rice, M.Ed., addresses the need for consent education, which New Jersey has mandated for grades 6 to 12.

"Proposed Illinois law would require sex education programs to focus more on consent" by Kate Thayer. Chicago Tribune. April 4, 2019. Dan Rice, M.Ed., Answer's director of training, notes that the new Illinois law mandating the teaching of consent as early as sixth grade is a step in the right direction, but lessons about respecting a friend's choice to play or not play a game or to give or not give a hug are simple ways consent education can begin as early as kindergarten.

"How Sex Ed Affects Our Sexual Health Now" by Gretchen Brown. February 26, 2019. Answer's director of training, Dan Rice, M.Ed., addresses how a lack of sex education and resources for boys and young men leaves them sorely unprepared to navigate relationships, set and respect boundaries, and advocate for their sexual health.

"Sex Ed Fails Teens by Ignoring Sexting" by Nandita Raghuram. Mashable. January 21, 2019. Answer executive director, Nicole Cushman, M.P.H., addresses how educating young people about sexting can go beyond solely focusing on the risks to encouraging young people to think critically about their relationships, consent and trust.